
Ancient Practices: Praying with Your Imagination


St. Ignatius of Loyola inspired a practice of imaginative, interactive prayer; prayer that exchanges holy words and pictures back and forth between us and God. This is prayer that engages our full sacred mind and imagination in participating in prayer and Scripture with Jesus. This is prayer that invites Jesus to show and speak, to take us by the hand and pull us in to what he is doing.  Perhaps you’ve already practiced lectio divina, or “divine reading”.  This practice is traditionally known as visio divina, “divine seeing”.

Created by: Megan Koch

Jesus People: A 12 Week Discipleship Pathway for Teens


When you hang out with church people, it’s easy to learn what to say and do to fit in. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you know Jesus. We can do a lot of things to look good with other Christians, but still not understand what it means to live everyday life with Jesus, or to become just like him. The world doesn’t need more people who know how to fit in at church. The world needs Jesus people. You become a Jesus person when you start to interact with Jesus every day and learn how to live your life straight from him. And you can’t do that alone. Your church family is the perfect place to go to learn how to do that together. That’s what this journey is for. This tool will help you build relationships and habits into your life that keep you walking and talking with Jesus together.

This tool was created with middle and high school students in mind. The 12-week structure fits well into a school semester or a summer break. A Guide leads a group of 2-4 disciples (all male or all female). The only materials needed are a Bible, a notebook or journal, and a printed copy of this booklet. This journey has a 3-part rhythm: daily habits, weekly meetings, and monthly hang outs.

Created by: Phil Wiseman and Megan Koch

Ancient Practices: Prayer of Examen


The Ignatian Prayer of Examen is a five-step exercise in observation and orientation. Prayers of examen are a regular “checkup” for your soul.” Ancient practices can put us in touch with God right now. This resource introduces a simple, practical way of prayer that brings more God-awareness and self-awareness into your daily rhythm.

Created by: Megan Koch