Questions? Contact us at hello@tablechurchdsm.org.


Membership class - april 5

Interested in learning more about what membership at Table Church looks like? Join us on Saturday, April 5th at 9am at the Ministry Center.

This class is open to anyone, and you're not committing to anything by attending. Come learn more about your church!

855 17th St, DSM IA 50314

newcomer’S lunch APril 6

New-er to Table Church? Join us for a meal at The Commons (855 17th St) at 12pm on Sunday, April 6th. Kids are welcome to attend.

You’ll have a chance to meet Pastor Phil and Pastor Megan, learn about who we are and what we do, and how to get plugged in. This is a great time to ask questions, too.

Parenting seminar - April 12

Join us for a parenting seminar with Vicky Wieben, owner of Bright Light Counseling. You’ll learn proven strategies to build a strong foundation of trust, connection, and ultimately, responsibility in your kids. April 12 from 9-2:30pm with a short lunch break.

Ministry Center - 855 17th St


Groups are always hopping. Sign up for a group here!