Table Church gathers Sundays at 10 at the Des Moines Playhouse.
Can’t attend in person? As always, you can join a live service every Sunday at 10.
Sundays at the Playhouse
Join us Sundays at 10 am at the Des Moines Playhouse. Can’t join in person? Join a live service at 10 right here.
Kids Table
Bringing kids along to church? Awesome! We’ve got great things planned for kids in Table Tots (Ages 3-6), and Kids Table (1st-5th Grade). Check in begins at 9:45, and you’ll find it as soon as you walk in.
Want to bypass the first-time check in line? You can preregister online, then quickly check in when you arrive Sunday morning.
Table Groups
Table Groups meet in person or online. There are many groups, doing many things, many ways. See the full list and register below.