Prayer Counseling helps you get clarity and resolution about what holds you back and weighs you down.
Prayer Counseling is a core ministry at Table Church. At its heart, these sessions are simply prayer; a conversation with Jesus. Think of it as two hours of time set apart to talk back and forth with Jesus without anything getting in the way.
We’ve all got wounds and scrapes. We all have issues that seem to rise up again and again, and it can be hard to see why. Prayer Counseling sessions are confidential, and they’re the perfect time to step through some of those things with Jesus, with some incredible people to guide you. Every member of our team is a part of the Table Church family.
You’ll meet with Pastor Megan 1-1 to learn how sessions work, then you’ll schedule your session with our team in advance.
Prayer Counseling sessions are a powerful way to connect with Jesus, but you’ll also leave with tools to pray more effectively and creatively in your everyday life. The point is to take what happens in sessions into your real life.
Prayer like this is hard to explain, but undeniable when you experience it. If you’re curious, we couldn’t encourage you enough to check it out!
The best way to know what to expect from a prayer session is to hear from other members of the Table Church family. Click the video link below to hear from team members about their own experiences, and use the video controls to check out the full playlist.
Scroll on for more testimonies from people who’ve met with a Prayer Counseling team over the years. Have questions? Click here to request more info, or email Pastor Megan at
“I have seen God working in more ways than I ever have. I have been told since I entered college that you are able to have a personal relationship with God and I never really knew what that meant. I thought I was doing it wrong. I saw in the session what that actually means.”
“I think there are a lot of Christians like myself who understand that we’re forgiven by Jesus but we don’t really understand what it means to walk in the freedom that he promises. To walk in the same cycles and white-knuckle grip it through life is all we know sometimes, but Jesus has so much more for us that we could even know.”
“The spiritual growth that I have had through these sessions has been greater and deeper than probably any other growth I’ve had in my entire life. I grew up in church, I grew up with God. I knew he was personal, but I don’t think I could ever grasp how freeing having Jesus in your life can actually be. I’d never achieved actually living free until I had my first prayer session. My prayer life has become radically different.”
“I’ve encountered God through this ministry in ways that are unlike anything else that I’ve done. God has set me free from significant doubts, he’s healed wounds in my life, and I’ve been given tools to deal with various other things I might encounter in life. Ultimately what it comes down to is prayer: the power of prayer, anchored in a firm conviction that God wants to have a genuinely personal relationship with each and every one of his children.”
“One of the greatest gifts this ministry has given me is a toolkit of prayer: ways to pray more creatively, ways to pray more effectively. I’ve encountered Jesus through sessions in ways that have changed me significantly, set me free from things I never thought I could get over, and given me some of the best and most joyful experiences of my life. This ministry has changed the way I see and do everything, because it’s linked me up with Jesus closer than I ever thought possible.”
“Despite being a Christian my whole life, this was the first time I understood Jesus on a personal level. I realized that He cares about me and my issues, and can carry those burdens that overwhelm me.
“[Prayer Counseling ]gives you a chance to hear from Jesus in a dialogue. It’s a conversation with Jesus. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that this has, like nothing else before, transformed my relationship with Jesus. It’s made my walk as a disciple more serious and deep and lighthearted and full of joy. You can’t be in his presence without being changed.”
“[Prayer Counseling] is, in a word, awesome. Sessions can be intimidating at first if you don’t know what to expect, but I tell you what, I was carrying things around for over 30 years, things that would creep to the surface at the worst times and make me feel that I wasn’t worthy, that there was something wrong with me. All it took was sitting down with some friends, praying and inviting Jesus to take these things, and believing it when he told me that he loves me. There is something so powerful when you come face to face with Jesus, and you hear him tell you these things.”
“Jesus has done so much in my life through this ministry. One of the biggest things that he has done is taken my fear and replaced it with truth. I remember I was so afraid, nervous, and anxious before my first session, afraid I’d get judged and shamed by the team. I realized very quickly in my session that that was the voice of the enemy. Jesus is so kind and good. I didn’t feel any shame or fear in that session. I got free.”
“I’ve had a lot of anxieties and hangups in my life, particularly about relationships. This is prayer and encouragement and just allowing the Lord to sift through areas of your life that you had never even considered, parts of your past that you didn’t even realize impacted your present. Restore sessions are overwhelming in the best sense of the word. ”
“I’ve always felt like a people pleaser, making sure everyone is happy. That has caused stress in my life in the past, but I didn’t realize how much healing I needed in that area. My first session was a beautiful time talking with the Lord and understanding he created me with this desire to love and care for people, but not to carry burdens that aren’t mine to hold.”
“[Prayer Counseling] is amazing. It’s a chance for me to just talk with Jesus about a really hard and hurtful time in my life, and even though I was far from him at the time, I got to see how real and near and close he was for me. His heart was breaking with my heart, and for me too. It was amazing to see that. Even though I barely knew anyone on the team when I had my first session, I felt so much love from them too.”