EXTRA: Tov Book Club Ch. 6
Directions of Discipleship: Do Justice
EXTRA: Tov Book Club Ch. 5
Directions of Discipleship: Create Belonging
EXTRA: Tov Book Club Ch. 1-4
EXTRA: Origin Story (Part 3)
EXTRA: Origin Story (Part 2)
EXTRA: Origin Story (Part 1)
Directions of Discipleship: Pursue God
EXTRA: Restore
Phil and Megan close out our Practicing Victory series with the origin story of Table Church’s Restore ministry. Learn more about Restore at tablechurchdsm.org/restore.
Want to learn more about engaging in holy confrontation? Visit the Resource Page to download Practicing Victory: A Three Session Study in Spiritual Warfare.
Love these conversations? We do too! Take a moment to visit the podcast page to rate and review us on iTunes. It makes it easier for new friends to find us and join in, and, we just love it when you say hi.
EXTRA: Enneagram Throwdown
Jesus People: Reaching My Samaria
EXTRA: Women, Seminary, and Leadership
It’s almost Halloween, and Megan’s voice is SCARY, but this announcement can’t wait!
On November 4, Phil and Megan will kick off a new series through the book A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture that Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing . Get the book and read along with us!
In addition to these podcast episodes, we will make extra online discussions and resources available to anyone registered for our A Church Called Tov Reading Group. This group will be of particular interest to anyone in church leadership, and will include discussions and resources specifically targeted to leaders. You are welcome to attend and invite your team members as well. Open to anyone, near or far. Register now at our Events Page.
Love these conversations? We do too! Take a moment to visit the podcast page to rate and review us on iTunes. It makes it easier for new friends to find us and join in, and, we just love it when you say hi.
Jesus People: Love Your Enemy
EXTRA: Essentialism and Most Likely to...
Today we’re talking about Greg McKeown’s book, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. Click here to learn more, download the first chapter of the book for free, and subscribe to the Essentialist podcast.
Love these conversations? We do too! Take a moment to visit the podcast page to rate and review us on iTunes. It makes it easier for new friends to find us and join in, and, we just love it when you say hi.
Jesus People: Hand to the Plow
EXTRA: Full Cups, A Birthday Bash, The Social Dilemma, and Pastors Appreciating Pastors
This episode has it all. We're talking dopamine hits, sharing podcast love, our first birthday party bash at the Playhouse, the new Netflix docudrama The Social Dilemma, and we end with a rapid fire question that gets Phil and Megan all sappy.
Watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix, and access the PDF discussion guide at www.thesocialdilemma.com.
Love these conversations? We do too! Take a moment to visit the podcast page to rate and review us on iTunes. It makes it easier for new friends to find us and join in, and, we just love it when you say hi.