Week 3: Mutual Leadership
Obedience to the Call
The Wesleyan Church affirms its long-standing commitment to full opportunity for women to be ordained to the ministry and to serve in any and all ministerial and leadership capacities. Although this vision has yet to be fully realized within The Wesleyan Church, the Church and its precedent bodies have experienced the benefits of such a commitment for over 150 years.
A Woman’s Right to Preach the Gospel (1853)
“In 1853, Rev. Luther Lee ordained Miss Antoinette Brown, a Congregationalist believed to be the first woman ever ordained in the modern era. Rev. Lee, not failing to recognize this historical event, stated in his introduction, “The ordination of a female, or the setting apart of a female to the work of the Christian ministry, is, to say the least, a novel transaction, in this land and age. It cannot fail to call forth many remarks, and will, no doubt, provoke many censures. As I have been called upon to deliver the discourse on the occasion, I should deem it out of place, tame and cowardly, for me to deliver an ordinary sermon setting forth the duties and responsibilities of a Christian minister, without taking hold of the peculiarity of the occasion, and vindicating the innovation which we this hour make upon the usages of the Christian World.”[i]
Lee’s sermon, “A Woman’s Right to Preach the Gospel ,” was based on the Scripture verse: There is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 (KJV)…” Read More…
Partners in Ministry
It’s likely no surprise that Pastor Phil and Pastor Megan have a lot to say about men and women leading together in the church. Here are a few conversations we’ve had on the topic.
Discerning a call to ministry, or simply have questions?