We’re a Wesleyan church.  You can visit Wesleyan.org to learn more about our denomination, and check out this short video to learn more about our roots and how our past shapes who we are today.



Want a shortcut to learning more about Wesleyan history and theology and how we live it out in Des Moines? Research four marks of the Wesleyan tradition below.



Below you’ll find a summary of some teachings that we think you’ll find most relevant.  Whenever we talk about God, we want to be humble. God is infinite— words can’t fully contain him.  But nonetheless, we believe that God has revealed something true about himself to us—most notably through the Scriptures, but also through the historic teaching of the Church and the created order.  The following list isn’t meant to be exhaustive, and we hope you’ll find it simple and clear.

You can download the full version of The Wesleyan Church’s Articles of Religion here.

The Nature of God

There is one God who is eternal, all-powerful, holy, and loving. God is the creator and sustainer of all that exists, and the only source of salvation. The one God exists in three co-equal persons of one essential nature: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

In order to free humans from the bondage of sin, God became fully human in Jesus Christ. Through his revolutionary teachings, Jesus established a new community on earth which we are a part of today. Through his death on a Roman cross, Jesus defeated the powers of darkness and reconciled us to God. He was buried in a grave, but God raised him from the dead on the third day in victory over sin and death and as a sign of the promised new creation.


Each person has a soul-destroying proclivity towards sin and away from God. Therefore, humanity is in the grip of a darkness that we ourselves are unable to free ourselves from. The gospel is the good news that the God of Israel has broken these powers through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; as a result, those who follow Jesus have access to a life free from sin, full of purpose, and destined to live with God forever in the new creation. This gift comes not through any merit of our own; it is simply by God’s grace that we are saved. There are, however, those who choose not to lean into the love that God extends to them. We do not believe that God will force them into an eternity with him, but will release them to their own desires and an existence separated from God.

Knowing God Now

We believe that “being saved” is not simply about what happens then—as in, after death—but also what happens now. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, a Christian can live a life that is free from sin and full of holy love, and marked by an intimate communion with God. This is the source of true peace and fulfillment in life.

The Bible

Whereas Jesus is the true Word of God (John 1:1) and the clearest revelation of God (Colossians 1:15), the Bible serves as the authoritative witness of the things that God has done and who God is. As such, the Bible is a Christ-follower’s indispensable guide their master’s actions, teachings, and nature. The Bible was written by humans, but inspired by God. It is fully true and contains all things necessary for salvation.


Perhaps more than ever, a church’s understanding of marriage is on the top of people’s minds. Our deep desire is to always genuinely welcome anyone while also never making it difficult for an LGBTQ friend to ascertain our teaching in this area—it seems obvious that this is something many people would want to know. Our examination of the Scriptures leads us to affirm the historic Christian view of marriage as a woman and a man for life. We realize that the church has often been responsible for doing serious harm in this area, and that there are thoughtful Christians who have a different view than us. Therefore, we try to hold these views with both conviction and humility, hoping to be a place that models the Way of Jesus by welcoming all to encounter Christ.

The Nature of Humanity

All people are made in the image of God, and are endowed with an innate sacredness. We were created to be God’s royal representatives on earth (Genesis 1:26). However, this image has been distorted (though not destroyed) through sin, and the restoration of this image comes only through salvation in Christ. 

The Role of the Church

The Church is the universal body of believers, past and present, who proclaim that Jesus is Lord over all. Our mandate is to make disciples of all nations and teach people to obey the commands that Jesus gave (Matthew 28:16–20). God sustains the church and empowers it for ministry, calling it to be a true and faithful witness of his love to the world.